Air Conditioner Service in Yogyakarta City Indonesia

The negative impact of the use of air conditioning is not normal are:

1.consumption electrical energy that is not fair 
2.AC not cold 
3.Sometime AC which will create noise problems for part outdor

At the present time the earth has experienced symptoms of a very extreme weather changes from global warming, because a lot happens destruction of protected forests, exploitation of natural resources are excessive, and especially the use of energy has reached the point that more destruction. sometimes we do not care about our nature that we should take care and we care together.But in reality people are more concerned with self-interest without considering the negative impacts.Uncontrolled use of energy and lack of awareness to keep our living space that is Earth.The natural resources of oil that we consume every time and uncontrolled is one of the main causes of damage to the earth.Let us together to keep each other -Same earth and reduce energy consumption that is not important.AC is a tool or machine that uses electrical energy, the use of air conditioning that is too much we have encountered in any tempat..Dan you know AC is the engine cooling energy consumed in power, hundreds and hundreds of watts or even thousands of watts required for 1 unit of AC , just imagine if the AC on at the same time and all over the world use it ,, how many trillion dollars wattttttt? in fact we will not be able to count them, and what the results of the use of air conditioning? ONLY FOR PERSONAL INTEREST.And it is very disayangkan.Ok we will give generally a little explanation about what causes air conditioning consumes electrical energy.
AC consists of indor and outdor unit, and most electricity consumption is for part outdor air conditioning, ac Outdor consists of several parts, and the main thing is the compressor.From the dynamo-based air conditioning compressor or motor that moves because of the windings on spull that is designed to move rotating, the motor is used to drive the two poles / 2 valves are moving by turns, and serves as a suction and compression out.Oleh because it Work Compressors Ac is quite heavy and just rely on electrical energy.
Reduce the use of electrical energy that does not berguna.Matikan tools that consume power tools that are no longer used to dispose waste electrical percuma.Penggunaan uncontrolled electrical energy can be bad for the world we live in, the result of the combustion exhaust gas emissions caused greenhouse effect, and would ruin the atmosphere slowly, and ultimately have an impact on climate change which ekstreem.Bumi will feel the heat, and you certainly will use air conditioning in your berlebihan.Jangan not ever think that you feel the heat will be resolved by the AC, is precisely the one of the causes of the earth will be increasingly felt very hot, more and more use of air conditioning in the room will be a big energy consuming, and the results will be more burning gas emission layers of the earth's atmosphere, the ozone layer will be eroded slowly and surely you also impact the will feel the human sendiri.Jadilah wise and useful for life on this earth, we live only once and will surely die, is not only a human being will die including all objects and machines that we make perfect sedimikian and surely will die too.
Turn off the air conditioner in the event of unusual symptoms to reduce further damage and to reduce the discharge of electrical energy that is totally useless and futile,and immediately call a technician that you trust to handle your air conditioning problems.So a little about the article that we wrote and probably still many shortcomings of the article, and we beg maaf.Kami not intend to offend the manapun.Kami only wish the best for us and to invite to always keep the Earth kita.SAVE THE WORLD for life Better {For Better of your live}

Service Ac

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